Thursday, December 20, 2012

Stand Up

Stand up for what you believe in.
Stand up for who you are.
Put hope into your dreams,
They will take you far.

Stand up for the girl, who sits alone,
Who cries herself to sleep at night.
Stand up for her little brother.
Who tries not to hear their parents fight.

Stand up for those who are weak,
For the girl without a voice.
Who listens and says nothing,
Because she has no other choice.

Stand up for the girl in pain,
From all the harsh names.
Because of where she comes from,
And all the false claims.

Stand up for the boy,
Who stares at a knife.
He wants it all to end,
He wants to take his life.

Stand up for the tired,
For those who’ve always ran.
Stand up for all of us,
Stand up, because you can.