Thursday, December 20, 2012

Stand Up

Stand up for what you believe in.
Stand up for who you are.
Put hope into your dreams,
They will take you far.

Stand up for the girl, who sits alone,
Who cries herself to sleep at night.
Stand up for her little brother.
Who tries not to hear their parents fight.

Stand up for those who are weak,
For the girl without a voice.
Who listens and says nothing,
Because she has no other choice.

Stand up for the girl in pain,
From all the harsh names.
Because of where she comes from,
And all the false claims.

Stand up for the boy,
Who stares at a knife.
He wants it all to end,
He wants to take his life.

Stand up for the tired,
For those who’ve always ran.
Stand up for all of us,
Stand up, because you can.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


I’m always struck by how real people are. 
They talk about Philly cheese steaks
And clutch their guitars like they are life-rafts 
And drink beer 
And mess up the words to your favorite songs (only slightly) 
And say things like, “Fuck, that’s not B-flat”. 
And I have have to confront the fact that they are people, living, cursing, cotton-t-shirt-and-faded-corduroy-wearing people,
Just like me. 
One of my favorite lines from F. Scott Fitzgerald is
“I want to know you moved and breathed in the same world with me”,
Because to me it means I want to know that you are real 
And that we are much more similar than we are different.
That’s scary. 
And disillusioning. 
And wonderful.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Hey there little blackbird, won't you whistle me a tune?
Hey little blackbird, where are you going so soon?
Little blackbird i'm sure you've got places to be,
But won't you stay here a little while with me?

Friday, August 31, 2012


Let the dust settle before you start assuming things about the shape of my imagination.
Tornado's and whirlwinds are frequent; they tear at my peace of mind, they scatter my thoughts.
Just let the dust settle before you start asking questions, please.
The inhabitants of my brain are screaming to be released, it really makes it hard to think.
If I lay my head on my pillow,
I can hear helicopters.
Maybe they are evacuating my mind.
Maybe I will be able to sleep now.
Maybe you will be in my dreams.
Maybe when the dust settles,
I will allow myself to say, "I miss you"

Monday, August 20, 2012


I can give it all on the first date
I don’t have to exist outside this place
And dear know that I can change

But if stars, shouldn’t shine
By the very first time
Then dear it’s fine, so fine by me
‘Cos we can give it time
So much time
With me

And I can draw the line on the first date
I’ll let you cross it
Let you take every line I’ve got
When the time gets late

But if stars, shouldn’t shine
By the very first time
Then dear it’s fine, so fine by me
‘Cos we can give it time
So much time
With me

If you want me
Let me know
Where do you wanna go
No need for talking
I already know
If you want me
Why go

I can give it all on the first date
I don’t have to exist outside this place
And dear know that I can change

But if stars, shouldn’t shine
By the very first time
Then dear it’s fine, so fine by me
‘Cos we can give it time
So much time
With me

Sunday, July 15, 2012

When You Talk In That Tone

When you talk in that tone…

Solar flares
Heat waves
Rain dances, it’s hard to think of anywhere else
I’d rather be.
Sometimes in that
in that pause between thoughts
I respond to every
emotion pulsating through
your body—is this love, is this love,

is this love that I’m feeling?
This hunger is unbearable.
Craters left like momentary wombs, your
on impact leave
a man
I swear the way a heart beats
it speeds it’s rhythm when
being recited truths, poetry of the soul:
I can’t control the song.
When you talk in that tone,
this hunger is unbearable. I would
every rhyme you’ve
spoken to,
every memory we
just to have your essence within me
at all times.
the distance between us is that of the Atlantic,
I’m swimming, darling, I’m swimming.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


How does a person get from point A to point B?
Because here I am, standing at point A with my binoculars, trying to find you at point B.
But there’s an ocean between us. A desert, a forest, a wall, a galaxy.
Point is, that I’m over here and you’re over there. And I don’t know how in the hell I’m going to get to you.
Once upon a time you were here. With me. At point A. But it wasn’t really point A, because then there was no point B. POINT IS, we didn’t need any coffee. For we were each others caffeine. We didn’t need any alcohol. For we could get drunk off our laughter. We didn’t need anyone else, because we had each other.
But 50/50 chances only exist in statistics. Love, is more 60/40. 70/30. In the cute “I love you more” tug-of-war, there can only be one winner.
I guess my point is that you left. My point is that I’m a little high strung, a little hungover, and a little lonely.
My point is, that if I start swimming towards point B, will you meet me halfway?